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Adam Kyomuhendo

Adam Kyomuhendo is a lawyer and advocate of the Supreme Court of Uganda. He has litigated in all Ugandan Courts and at the East African Court of Justice (EACJ). His areas of litigation expertise are climate justice, the rights of indigenous people, children’s rights and heritage law. Among others, he is currently litigating at EACJ to protect a Tentatively-listed UNESCO world heritage site (Kibiro hotsprings / traditional salt manufactures) as well as Bugoma natural forest –the only habitat in the world to the critically-endangered Ugandan Mangabey monkey species. Kyomuhendo is a member of the Uganda Law Society, East Africa Law Society, International Society of Public Law (ICON.S) – as well as IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law where he is specially assigned to the Forests and Climate Change expert thematic committees. He is currently an Alexander von Humboldt International Climate Protection Fellow based at the University of Cologne’s Environmental Law Centre where he is researching on climate justice.