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"How to become an environmental lawyer?” Some inspiration…

This was the heading of Damon Jones' presentation, which summarized: “every experience adds to a good network, knowledge in different sectors and will eventually lead to the right place – mostly unexpectedly!”

But where to start?

You can become an environmental lawyer primarily by continuing your education on your own. There are special bachelor and master programs for environmental law. However, it is also possible to continue one's education in environmental law in various ways in the course of the traditional law studies. In this regard, there are no prescribed order or required steps. The points listed below are therefore suggestions and serve as a source of inspiration.

I. What is an environmental lawyer?

An environmental lawyer is first of all intuitively someone who works in environmental law. In Germany, environmental law is primarily part of public law and includes, for example, immission control law, water law, soil protection law, waste law, chemical law, international environmental law, environmental constitutional law, access to environmental information, participation rights, legal protection, environmental liability and environmental damage law, environmental offences and environmental crimes. First, one needs a basic understanding of law. In addition, one should enjoy thinking about environmental issues and be interested in understanding raw data and scientific literature. Environmental law is becoming increasingly important internationally and nationally, providing a variety of opportunities for young lawyers.

II. Courses and events at the University of Cologne

First, of course, we have a look at the courses and events at the University of Cologne.

  • International Environmental Law (offered every summer semester)
  • Environmental Law: Basics and Comparative Studies (offered every winter semester)
  • Biodiversity Law Seminar with field work in India
  • International Master of Environmental Sciences
    • Chemistry of the Atmosphere 
    • Meteorology
    • Ecology
    • Environmental Medicine
    • Environmental Policy and Management
    • EU Environmental Policies and Policy-Making 
    • Political Ecology
    • Introduction to Human and Environment Relations 
    • Basic Concepts of Research in Hazard, Vulnerability, (…) Risk Management
    • Energy, Resources, (…), and the Economy
    • Introduction to Environmental Geophysics
    • Landscape Formation
    • Basic aspects of environmental education
    • Physical Hydrology
    • Introduction to Environmental Statistics

This list is not exhaustive.


III. Internships

Practical experience in the field of environmental law is another important pillar. As an environmental lawyer, you can represent and advise clients on environmental law issues. You can work as a legal advisor in companies, governmental organizations, NGOs and international organizations. In addition, one can teach at universities or work in law firms.

1) Governmental Organizations

a) Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutzamt der Stadt Köln (Environmental and Consumer Protection Office of the City of Cologne)

b) Das Dezernat der Abteilung 5 „Umwelt und Arbeitsschutz“ der Bezirksregierung Köln (The Department of Division 5 "Environment and Occupational Safety" of the Cologne District Government)


2) (International) Organizations

a) UN Bonn

Students at the University of Cologne are lucky that they can quickly be at the UN campus in Bonn where various UN organizations are located. They deal with specific aspects of environmental protection.

Internship positions can be found on the websites of the respective UN agency. The organizations include:

- Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

- Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

- Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

- United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)

b) Climate Analytics

Climate Analytics is an international, non-profit organization and produces scientifically and technically sound policy-relevant analyses. These are used to implement the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and the 1.5°C warming limit at different levels (national, regional, global). A team of experts from different disciplines works together to ensure a multidisciplinary perspective. The organization is headquartered in Berlin, Germany, and has offices in New York, USA, Lomé, Togo and Perth, Australia. Speculative applications for internships are always possible and will be gladly facilitated according to capacity.

c) Öko-Institut e.V.

The Öko-Institut (Eco Institute) is an independent, private research and consulting institution with locations in Freiburg, Darmstadt and Berlin. Its main focus is on developing principles and strategies "on how the vision of sustainable development can be implemented globally, nationally and locally". Internships and legal trainee positions (Referendar*in) are advertised on the homepage and applications are made in writing.

d) ClientEarth

ClientEarth is a non-profit organization with offices in Berlin, Brussels, London, Warsaw, Madrid and Beijing. Law is used as an effective tool to address urgent environmental problems worldwide. For example, ClientEarth formulates legislation to combat climate change and protect nature, or leads lawsuits to ensure compliance with existing environmental law.

e) NewClimate Institute

The NewClimate Institute, based in Cologne, Germany, supports research in and implementation of climate action worldwide. The team has broad experience in international climate policy and sustainable development and strong links to research, with some team members collaborating with universities. Applications should be submitted in English.

f) SD Strategies

SD Strategies, based in Berlin, provides consulting services for policy and communications strategies. The organization works at the intersection of economic and social development, energy and the environment. It involves collaboration between governments, international organizations, civil society actors and private sector representatives. The organization was named "Best Energy & Economic Development Consultancy" and received the 2018 Clean Energy Award from the Global Energy Review. Applications should be submitted in English.

g) Agora Energiewende

Agora Energiewende is a joint initiative of the Mercator Foundation and the European Climate Foundation based in Berlin. The gGmbH develops strategies for implementing the German government's climate and energy policy goals.

h) Green Legal Impact Germany e.V.

Green Legal Impact Germany e.V. supports the law as a strategic means for climate protection. Together with lawyers they support initiatives and activists that have legal questions. They train the legal young professionals in environmental and climate protection law. They push for change processes and coordinate networks for a sustainable improvement of national and internatinoal environmental standards.

It is possible to join Green Legal Impact Germany for a part of the German legal traineeship (Referendariat):


3) Law Firms

a) Oexle Kopp-Assenmacher Lück Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB

One of the most renowned German law firms for public law with its office in Cologne and specializations in environment, planning and regulation. They focus on the topics climate, transformation, industrial modernization and circular economy. 

Please find current job offers here.

b) Lenz und Johlen

Law firm with a focus on all aspects of public law and civil law relating to real estate. The experience and knowledge of the specialist attorneys in administrative law as well as construction and architectural law characterize Lenz und Johlen. In addition, there is the special field of competence "Environment and Economy" for advising international industrial enterprises and medium-sized companies. Applications for internships, legal traineeships (Referendarstation) and scientific assistance (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit) are gladly accepted by the firm.

c) Allen & Overy LLP

Allen & Overy is one of the global leading corporate law firms and has a full-service approach. Environmental law plays a central role in different areas of practice, for example in M&A, but also in consulting international and national clients regarding strategy. Typical questions of environmental law like licenses, permits or dangerous waste are as relevant as current questions in the field of renewable energies and climate protection under regulatory standards on the international, European and German levels. Allen & Overy is looking forward to applications for internships, trainee stations, research assistance or a career start. In case of any questions please contact Herrn Dr. Olgemöller and/or Frau Günther.

d) PAULY•Rechtsanwälte

The law firm PAULY•Rechtsanwälte stands for hiqhly qualified and practice oriented legal advice in the fields of environmental, energy, climate and planning law.
Applications for internships, legal trainee ships (Referendarstationen) or jobs as research assistants are always welcome. For questions please contact  and/or .

e) [GGSC]

[GGSC] is a nationally operating law firm, focusing on environment, constructions, planning and waste, water and energy. Its specialization is a symbol for its purpose, political interest and ecological engagement.
Please find currently open positions here. For questions please contact .

IV. Miscellaneous activities

You can also make relevant contacts outside the lecture halls and expand your knowledge in the environmental field.

1) Environmental Law Center (ELC)

Since 2019, the ELC offers interested students the opportunity to further their education in environmental law. Therefore, the ELC regularly organizes events that can promote or awaken students' interest in environmental law, in addition to the focus and preparatory seminar work already offered in comparative environmental law and international environmental law. These events will be used for personal development and exchange with other interested students as well as with practitioners and academics in the field of environmental law. In the past, the ELC has organized an environmental law conference, offerd a visit to the environmental law firm Köhler & Klett in Cologne, initiated a climate action day, and brought in the international environmental law expert Damon Jones and the waste law expert Ida Westphal for a presentation followed by a discussion.

2) Winter Meeting: Health, Environment and Education

Held regularly in the winter semester (December), this conference is international and multidisciplinary. Spread over two days, international experts in the fields of health, environment and education offer lectures. Students can listen to individual lectures from the program without pre-registration.

3) Events of the Natur- und Umweltschutz-Akademie NRW (Nature and Environmental Protection Academy NRW)

The Nature and Environmental Protection Academy NRW (NUA) has also made it its task to inform and educate those already active in the field of nature and environmental protection. That's why it offers a variety of events, courses, action days and campaigns as well as information materials.


LCOY stands for Local Conference of Youth and is the national version of the Conference of Youth (COY). At LCOY young people can exchange, network, inform and prepare together for participation in the climate negotiations before the United Nations Climate Change Conference (Conferences of Parties, COP).

5) Webinar

You can participate in webinars no matter where you are located, since they take place online. Such webinars are regularly organized by institutions such as:

- AgoraEnergiewende

- Environmental Law Institute
